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Triumphの名を世界中の二輪狂に知らしめた伝説的デザイナーEdward Turnerは戦前から戦中、戦後という激動の時代にTiger やSpeed Twin、Thunderbird、Trophy、Bonnevilleといった数々の名機を生み出すが、それらに搭載された“Pre-Unit Twin”と呼ばれるエンジン/ミッション別体式の機関部は、1950年代に入りエンジン/ミッション一体式に刷新、飛躍的なアップデートを遂げる。北米大陸の荒野でも潰れぬタフネスを備え、速く走ることを身上とする大英帝国の誉れ。今特集では“Unit Construction Twins”と呼ばれるTriumphをクローズアップする。
The legendary designer Edward Turner made Triumph a name known among motorcycle freaks worldwide. From the prewar era to the postwar era, he created famous machines including the Tiger, the Speed Twin, the Thunderbird, the Trophy, and the Bonneville, which were equipped with the so-called “pre-unit twin.” The pre-unit twin’s engine and transmission were separate parts, but in the 1950s, they were redesigned as a single unit. The bikes featuring these new engines were the pride of the UK. Not only were they fast, but they were tough enough to handle the North American wilderness. In this special feature, we take a close look at Triumph’s so-called “unit construction twins.”
The AMCA-sponsored National Road Run is the organization’s main event and is held around 5 or 6 times. Chapters in various locations around the US host each run. Participants enjoy riding down back roads and visiting famous local spots over a three-day period, but the main attraction is hanging out with vintage motorcycle enthusiasts from all around the country. From June 21-24, the Cherokee Chapter of the AMCA hosted a National Road Run in Eureka Springs, Arkansas. They traveled down country roads with views of the majestic Ozark-St. Francis National Forest and visited Arkansas’ oldest gas station.
スピードに魅せられた旧車狂にとってもはや秋の風物詩といえるCHIRIHAMA SANDFLATSが、去る9月28 ~ 29日に開催された。PRE 1970 OPEN CLASSが行われた初日は生憎の曇天ながらビーチのコンディションは申し分なく、日英米入り乱れる多様な車両が手に汗握る接戦を展開。翌日は爽やかな秋晴れのもと80&45Championshipが決行。 全国から訪れた多数のオーディエンスが固唾を呑む中、垂涎のオールドレーサーは乾いたエギゾーストノートを従え、 名勝・千里浜を矢の如く滑走した─ 。
Chirihama Sandflats is already an autumn tradition among vintage motorcycle freaks obsessed with speed, and this year’s event was held from September 28-29. It was unfortunately cloudy on the first day, but the beach was in outstanding condition for racing. That day, in the Pre-1970 Open Class, a variety of Japanese, British, and American bikes battled it in a series of thrilling races. The following day, under beautiful fall weather, the 80 Championship and 45 Championship races were held. The audience made up of people from all over Japan watched with bated breath as the coveted old race machines gave off dry exhaust notes and darted down Chirihama’s scenic beach.
On the faraway Utah sand flats, Japanese racers have left behind a dazzling record. Here, we introduce you to the brave Japanese builders and racers who traveled to Bonneville in August 2024, to attempt to break the current world speed records.
Welcome to a two-dimensional museum of famous machines of the 20th century.
1932 INDIAN CHIEF Hill Climber
1948 H-D WL
1970 MOTO GUZZI 850 El Dorado